- Cancun Cantina (CC), 7501 Old Telegraph Rd, Hanover, MD 21076 [schedule]
- Cancun Cantina West (CCW), 901 Dual Highway, Hagerstown, MD 21740 [schedule]
- Nick's Night Club (N), 642 S. Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 22304 [schedule]
- Direct link to the calendar (opens the full-size consolidated calendar by itself in a new window)
- Clicking the downward triangle in the upper righthand corner (next to the Week/Month/Agenda tabs) lets you select which of the four separate calendars you want to view.
- Clicking on an individual entry gives you a pop-up window with options for a map and to add the entry to your own calendar.
- Check the club web sites for line dancing and two-stepping lessons.

Everyone please go and watch Jeremiah and the Tandem Band this SAT (6/6/09) at the Winners Circle.. They are doing a benefit there for SIDS and it looks to be an AWESOME show with a GREAT cause.. look at their website for more info