Friday, March 13, 2009

The Dallas World Aquarium

aka Dallas For Kids Part 2
My nieces wanted to go to the aquarium, the zoo, and some museums while I was visiting Dallas last weekend. At 10 years of age, they're actively interested in learning things now, but on this trip I only had one day free for these activities.

So on Sunday we went to the Dallas World Aquarium (DWA) as well as two combined museums in Fair Park (the Texas State Fairgrounds), The Museum of Nature and Science.

The aquarium was very nice if a little pricey, but the the newly-renovated, very interactive science museum was a real bargain and the girls enjoyed it a great deal.

Dallas World Aquarium
The aquarium we went to is one of several in the area, hence the odd name. The Dallas World Aquarium has done a good job of packing a lot of exhibitions into their space, and the highlight of the tour is the glass tunnel through the open-air shark tank. I also liked the way it felt like you were immersed in a tropical rain forest as you descended through the three levels toward the basement.

DWA was also almost like a cross between an aquarium and a zoo, with birds (some of them flying around freely), insects, monkeys, and jaguars in addition to the aquatic animals. It's a little pricey for its size at $19 for adults and $11 for kids, but everything is beautifully done.

We rushed through a bit because the girls were eager to go to multiple places. I only saw the river otters from a distance, because by the time we got down there they'd swum off. I was surprised by how large they were.

A quick run through DWA takes about an hour, especially if you don't take in the performances, talks, and feedings. We were there a little over 90 minutes.

DWA In Pictures
I think DWA is best described in pictures and the official web site is somewhat sparse, so here are a few. Once you enter, they suggest you climb the stairs to the 3rd floor and wend your way down. On the way up is a little trough with running water where the very cute miniature penguins swim:

This toucan was flying around free:

This tank had turtles, some rays, and a spoonbill:

Because it was the weekend we "leaped forward" for Daylight Savings, they had brought out a bunch of frogs and this poisonous giant toad:

This tunnel was near the gift shop:

Here's the glass tunnel in the shark pond as the Mayan performers walk through. Because the tank is open-air, it sometimes looks like the sharks and stingrays are flying overhead:

Here you can see the manatees and the giant catfish:

The jellyfish were glowing:

And finally, even the trash cans have been built with a rain forest theme:

Next: The Museum of Nature and Science (Dallas For Kids Part 3)
Previous: Dallas For Kids Part 1 (Amazing Jake's Food & Fun)

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